by Noreen Beyor

Lead Investigator

Truth or legend? You decide

With all the different stories surrounding Emily's bridge, it's hard to say for sure which one is true if any of them. But we set out on a mission to see if we could find evidence of anything paranormal based on the stories told.

Shane's Investigation Tech Tip

Seen pictures like this a hundred times, right? Vortex? Ghostly Orb Activity? Not quite. Like they say "Truth is stranger than fiction." And they are absolutely right. What's actually happening here is the camera is focusing on the headlamp of an investigator, and the camera operator was looking at an investigator (not shown in picture) when they were preparing the shot. But for some reason the photographer decided to look up and the camera, being the obiedient piece of equipment it is, decided to keep focusing on the light from the headlamp and taking the picture that it was requested to take. Leaving an eerie ghost-like stream. See... science does know...

Red flags every where.

There have been many claims to the fact that Emily's Bridge is haunted. Our team went in with an open mind, but upon arrival red flags started waving. The bridge is over a babbling brook Hmm?  This fact rendered IC recording useless as well as trying to take photos.  With the water running underneath the bridge even just talking to other team members we had to talk fairly loud to hear each other.  As far as taking photos you must keep in mind the amount of mist that comes off the brook itself especially at the openings to the bridge. With this mist you will definetly get orbs (BELOW).  I will also mention as late as it was this bridge is still travelled on at this time of night.  We encountered several vehicles, creating dust from the dirt off the wooden boards inside the bridge (more Orbs).

The Verdict

After careful review of the evidence, my opinion is Emily's Bridge holds no paranormal activity, rather it holds local legend.  We all need stories of lore and legend to keep our imagination alive, and Emily's Bridge is a perfect example of this.  Sorry Emily...

The Investigation

So it begins.........Upon arrival we found a carload of teenagers partying oblivious to the stories of Emily's bridge staring back at us with curious eyes.  Hoping not to be interrupted during our investigation we continued on.  Although the brook had soothing effects on the ears, it also had devistating effects to our EVP sessions.  But we attempted them anyways.  We continued our investigation with standard EMF and IR thermometer sweeps and to no avail got no unusual readings of any kind.  So we decided to pack it up and head home for the night, hoping for better luck with our evidence analysis.

More Light Anomalies

Alas more fun with lights!  As you can see from the picture it looks like our investigator has found a friend wrapped around her leg.  Wrong again.  The camera again has chosen to focus on the red light emitted from the EMF detector, causing this stream of red ghostly light.  Science Rules!!!!!!!!!!